Fusion of information from multiple Kinect sensors for 3D object reconstruction
Ruchay A.N., Dorofeev K.A., Kolpakov V.I.

Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agro-technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia,

Department of Mathematics, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia


In this paper, we estimate the accuracy of 3D object reconstruction using multiple Kinect sensors. First, we discuss the calibration of multiple Kinect sensors, and provide an analysis of the accuracy and resolution of the depth data. Next, the precision of coordinate mapping between sensors data for registration of depth and color images is evaluated. We test a proposed system for 3D object reconstruction with four Kinect V2 sensors and present reconstruction accuracy results. Experiments and computer simulation are carried out using Matlab and Kinect V2.

multiple sensors, Kinect, 3D object reconstruction, fusion.

Ruchay AN, Dorofeev KA, Kolpakov VI. Fusion of information from multiple Kinect sensors for 3D object reconstruction. Computer Optics 2018; 42(5): 898-903. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-5-898-903.


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