(14-15(01)) * << * >> * Russian * English * Content * All Issues
Adaptive algorithms for detecting anomalies in a sequence of multidimensional
K.K. Vasiliev, V.R. Krasheninnikov
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Pages: 125-132.
Full text of article: Russian language.
Currently, information extraction systems are used widely, such systems include spatial apertures
of sensors for recording useful signals. Important classes of such systems are television aerospace
complexes for remote exploration of the Earth, vision systems for industrial robots, radar,
sonar and radio navigation systems for various purposes.
For these systems, it is natural to describe signals and disturbances using random functions of
several variables, i.e. random fields [1-6]. Therewith, the spatial variables that take into account the
relative position of the sensors are usually discrete. Additional discretization of the observed signals
in time leads to the models of random fields defined on multidimensional grids [6].
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