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Information technology for analyzing the quality of the system for detecting
objects in the images
E.I. Kolomiets, V.V. Sergeev
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Pages: 166-178.
Full text of article: Russian language.
As a rule, the quality of the system for detecting objects in the images is determined by criteria
that have the meaning of probabilities: errors in detecting objects, incorrect classification of the
image, the system’s failure to achieve its purpose, etc. [1,2]. In situations of practical interest, the
values of such quality indicators are rather small, and therefore their experimental measurement is
very complicated. Additional difficulties are caused by the high dimension of the impact at the input
of the detection system dealing with images. Below we describe the method of conducting statistical
experiments with the system for detecting objects in images, which allows to reduce significantly
the number of experiments needed to obtain the required accuracy of determining its quality characteristics
as compared with the traditional methods [3,4]. We should note that all of the above
results can be used to assess the probabilities of rare events that have a fairly arbitrary meaning.
Kolomiets EI, Sergeev VV. Information technology for analyzing the quality of the
system for detecting objects in the images. Computer Optics 1995; 14-15(1): 166-178.
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