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Iterative calculation of diffractive optical elements focusing into a threedimensional domain and onto the surface of the body of rotation
V.V. Kotlyar, S.N. Khonina, V.A. Soifer

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Pages: 72-84.

Full text of article: Russian language.

There exist iterative methods for calculating phase diffraction optical elements (DOEs) that focus laser radiation into plane figures (images) [1,2]. To calculate the DOE in three-dimensional figures, the figure is split into N planes, thus the task is reduced to the calculation of DOE forming flat images. In [3,4] various approaches were proposed.
Using a different approach, this paper considers iterative methods for calculating phase DOEs focusing laser radiation into a three-dimensional domain and onto the surface of the body of rotation.

Kotlyar VV, Khonina SN, Soifer VA. Iterative calculation of diffractive optical elements focusing into a three-dimensional domain and onto the surface of the body of rotation. Computer Optics 1995; 14-15(2): 72-84.


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