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Approximate parametric models of the dynamics of self-action of pulses in nonlinear optical media with modal dispersion
S.M. Shirokov

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Pages: 117-124.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The growing interest towards the analysis of the self-action processes of pulses of coherent radiation in nonlinear optical media is associated with the possibility of using them to obtain pulses of especially short (femtosecond) duration, increase the rate of information transmission through fiberoptic channels, create various new optical devices, and elements for optical processing of information with ultra-high speed, and in the future - the optical computers [1-9]. The possibility of selfstabilization of pulses and the formation of solitons not only in single-mode, but also in multimode optical fibers is proved [2, 10, 11]. Although multimode fibers are not very suitable for creating high-speed long-distance optical communication systems (the main reason is that, because of the large core diameter, soliton regimes require the power incomparably higher than single-mode fibers),
many other nonlinear optical systems require to take into account the mode dispersion. This applies primarily to various devices for optical information processing [12, 13]. In addition, differences in the propagation constants of two orthogonally polarized modes (birefringence) leading to mode dispersion [14] appear in single-mode fibers under technological disturbance of the fiber cross section symmetry and inhomogeneities. Similar problems (but for different frequencies, rather than propagation constants) arise in the analysis of stimulated Raman scattering, which is supposed to be used to compensate for losses in fiber and increase the range of soliton optical communication systems [3, 4, 9].

Shirokov SM. Approximate parametric models of the dynamics of self-action of pulses in nonlinear optical media with modal dispersion. Computer Optics 1995; 14-15(2): 117-124.


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