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Phase space method in the analysis of statistics of fluctuations of optical pulses in nonlinear dispersive media
S.M. Shirokov

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Pages: 125-132.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The processes of propagation of ultrashort light pulses in nonlinear dispersive media have attracted increasing interest in recent years due to the possibilities of their use for transmission at particularly high speeds, the creation of elements of optical computers, new optical devices, etc. [1- 3]. As the pulse duration in such optical systems decreases, it becomes more and more important to take into account fluctuations in the radiation source reducing its coherence. The fluctuation statistics is required to select algorithms for detecting, discriminating and filtering signals in these systems, as well as evaluating their characteristics [4, 5]. Although the problems of analyzing fluctuating signals in nonlinear media have already been studied in sufficient detail, as for their distribution functions, only certain results of statistical computer simulations and qualitative estimates are available for some simplified models of the transmission medium [3, 6–9]. Below we propose a general approach to solving the above problems based on the representation of the optical medium (transmission channel) model in Hamiltonian form with respect to some generalized phase coordinates.

Shirokov SM. Phase space method in the analysis of statistics of fluctuations of optical pulses in nonlinear dispersive media. Computer Optics 1995; 14-15(2): 125-132.


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