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Method of suppression of impulse noise in signal and image processing using non-linear phase filters
S.M. Shirokov, I.V. Grigorov

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Pages: 97-102.

Full text of article: Russian language.

Significant progress achieved in recent years in the technology of digital signal processing, the introduction of processors and other types of high-speed VLSI expand significantly the ability to implement more complex processing algorithms than simple non-linear transformations. One of such algorithms was proposed by the authors in [7] and includes the operations that allow to compress interference pulses to point pulses almost without changing the useful signal, which makes it possible to suppress them using one of the available methods. The purpose of this work is to extend it to two-dimensional signals (images and fields).

Shirokov SM, Grigorov IV. Method of suppression of impulse noise in signal and image processing using non-linear phase filters. Computer Optics 1996; 16: 97-102.


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