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Formation of Gaussian-Hermite modes using binary DOEs.
II. Optimization of the aperture function
S.N. Khonina
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

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Pages: 28-36.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The article considers various types of apertures and illuminating beams for the efficient formation of individual Gaussian-Hermite modes using phase binary elements with the transmission equal to the sign function of the corresponding Hermite polynomial. It is shown that inaccurate adjustment of the aperture or the absence of the adjustment can be partially compensated by introducing additional phase jumps into the diffractive optical element. This introduction of additional phase jumps can be called a “soft” aperture.

Khonina SN. Formation of Gaussian-Hermite modes using binary DOEs. II. Optimization of the aperture function. Computer Optics 1998; 18: 28-36.


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