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Calculation of the field formed by geometric-optical focusators
P.G. Serafimovich, S.I. Kharitonov
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

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Pages: 96-103.

Full text of article: Russian language.

Diffractive optical elements that focus coherent radiation into a target area with a target intensity distribution have become widespread recently [1.2]. A wide range of works has appeared that are devoted to both the calculation of the light field created by such optical elements and to the solution of inverse diffraction problems. However, many works use the ray optics approximation when solving diffraction problems. The ray optics approximation is valid if the width of the area or the size of one pixel (when solving problems by iterative methods) on the optical element is several tens of wavelengths.

Serafimovich PG, Kharitonov SI. Calculation of the field formed by geometric-optical focusators. Computer Optics 1998; 18: 96-103.


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