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Use of mass transfer to remove shrinkage effects when copying optical elements
V.S. Soloviev, P. Perlo
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
1FIAT Research Center

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Pages: 138-139

Full text of article: Russian language.

This paper proposes a method for neutralizing the effects of contraction when copying DOEs. The method uses the effect of mass transfer during the exposure of the sample [2-4]. Neutralization is achieved by the fact that the initial exposure is performed through a binary raster (in this case, at UV power at λ = 365 nm 1MW/cm, exposure through the raster lasts 1 min). The raster period is related to the width of the minimum zone of the copied DOE. Then the sample is exposed with the same source without a raster. The result is a copy without ripples on the surface (Fig. 2) .

Soloviev VS, Perlo P.Use of mass transfer to remove shrinkage effects when copying optical elements. Computer Optics 1998; 18: 138-139.


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