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Modeling the light diffraction by micro-optics elements using the finite element method
D.V. Nesterenko, V.V. Kotlyar, Y.Wang1
Image Processing Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
1Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
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Pages: 44-46.
Full text of article: Russian language.
A relevant problem related to the generation of diffractive optical elements is the energy loss associated with Fresnel reflection, which is especially important when focusing the radiation of highpower industrial lasers. A relatively high refractive index of a diamond leads to the fact that the transmission of a diamond plate at a wavelength of 10.6 μm does not exceed 71% because of the reflection losses. Therefore, the problem of diamond optical elements bleaching - that is, reducing Fresnel reflection losses - becomes particularly relevant. This article presents a method for simulating the propagation of laser radiation through an antireflective structure within the framework of the electromagnetic theory of light.
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