Numerical methods of computer optics |
 533kb |
Doskolovich L.L. Design of binary dielectric gratings and one-dimensional DOEs in the framework of electromagnetic theory |
21 |
 360kb |
Doskolovich L.L. Petrova O.I. Design of spectral DOE |
29 |
 582kb |
Kharitonov S.I., Serafimovich P.G. Asymptotic methods of calculating the fields generated by DOE within the framework of electromagnetic theory |
33 |
 298kb |
Nesterenko D.V., Kotlyar V.V., Wang Y. Modeling the light diffraction by micro-optics elements using the finite element method |
40 |
 393kb |
Golovashkin D.L., Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A. Numerical analysis of light propagation through an antireflective diamond structure in the framework of electromagnetic theory |
44 |
 411kb |
Kazanskiy N.L., Podlipnov G.A., Rakhaev A.A., Sosnin M.L. Computation of the electromagnetic field in longitudinally regular structures |
47 |
 443kb |
Minin I.V., Minin O.V. Interaction of shock waves with diffraction gratings |
52 |
 822kb |
Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Melekhin A.S., Soifer V.A. Encoding of diffractive optical elements by local phase jump method |
54 |
 640kb |
Khonina S.N. А finite series approximation of spheroidal wave functions |
65 |
 360kb |
Korfunenko O.A., Malov A.N., Feshchenko V.S. Multiplication of images using off-axis Talbot effect |
71 |
 356kb |
Glotov P.A., Kotlyar V.V. Designing a binary grating for the production of a desired set of diffraction orders |
74 |
 430kb |
Gladkikh A.V., Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A. Interaction of two soliton pulses in a nonlinear multimode waveguide |
80 |
 340kb |
Karpeev S.V., Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A. Designing DOEs for real-time analysis of beam mode content |
84 |
 589kb |
Pavelyev V.S., Duparré M., Luedge B., Soifer V.A., Kowarschik R., Golovashkin D.L. Invariant laser beams - fundamental properties and their investigation by computer simulation and optical experiment |
88 |
 339kb |
Stepanov S.A., Ezhov E.G., Greisukh G.I. Computing of optical systems consisting of two and three cemented radial gradient-index lenses |
96 |
Technologies and applications of computer optics |
 321kb |
18 |
Kononenko V.V., Konov V.I., Pimenov S.M., Prokhorov A.M., Kazanskiy N.L., Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A. Studies of diamond diffractive cylindrical lens |
102 |
 982kb |
19 |
Kotlyar V.V., Laakkonen P., Kovalev A.A., Skidanov R.V., Soifer V.A., Turunen J., Khonina S.N. Phase diffractive optical elements for the simultaneous generation of Laguerre-Gaussian modes in different diffraction orders |
107 |
 339kb |
20 |
Karpeev S.V., Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A., Duparre M., Luedge B. Experimental study of the possibility of using semiconductor lasers in an optical communication system with mode multiplexing of channels |
112 |
 352kb |
21 |
Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V., Wang Y. Experimental selection of spatial
Gauss-Laguerre modes |
115 |
 444kb |
22 |
Agrafonov Y.V., Balakhсhi A.G., Biryulina T.V., Vigovsky Y.N., Dorogobid Y.S., Kruchinin
L.E., Malov A.N., Ushakov F.E., Cherny V.V. The boundary structures of a liquid and holographic recording media |
118 |
 388kb |
23 |
Vygovsky Y.N., Kruchinin L.E., Malov A.N., Malov S.N., Petrov A.A. Laser annealing of
colloidal holographic recording media |
125 |
 371kb |
24 |
Volkov A.V., Kazanskiy N.L., Kostyuk G.F., Kostyukevich S.A., Shepelyavyi P.E. Forming
a DOE micro-relief with the use of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors |
129 |
 1920kb |
25 |
Volkov A.V., Kazanskiy N.L., Uspleniev G.V. Production and investigational study of
focusators into a ring and two points |
132 |
 2837kb |
26 |
Volkov A.V., Kazanskiy N.L., Uspleniev G.V. Experimental study of lighting devices
with DOE |
137 |
27 |
Volkov A.V., Kazanskiy N.L., Moiseev O.Y. Study of processes of photoresist deposition
and etching to improve the accuracy of the wide DOE microrelief formation |
143 |
 807kb |
28 |
Lyakh V.V., Malyshev A.I., Pindyurin V.F., Poleshchuk A.G., Sedukhin A.G. Visualization
of three-dimensional coherent light fields by screen recorders based on X-ray-sensitive alkali halide
crystals |
147 |
 429kb |
Minin I.V., Minin O.V. Non-stability of mm-wave radar imaging of the car in dynamics |
151 |
 770kb |
30 |
Minin I.V., Minin O.V. Diffractional antenna-radomes based on elements of diffraction
quasi-optics |
154 |
31 |
Agrafonov Y.V., Lipov D.B., Malov A.N., Ovchinkin A.V. Problems of fiber-optic communication systems operation |
159 |
Image Processing |
 1267kb |
Khonina S.N., Baranov V.G., Kotlyar V.V. Spectral method for enlarging fragments of
digital images |
165 |
 418kb |
33 |
Sobolev D.V. Fast algorithms of discrete orthogonal transforms realized in the number
system with an irrational base |
174 |
34 |
Voronin V.V. Application of the Fourier transform to the problem of fractal coding of
images |
180 |
 504kb |
35 |
Chernov V.M., Dmitriyev A.G. Image compression using discrete orthogonal transforms
with the «noise-like» basis functions |
184 |
36 |
Karnaukhov V.N., Merzlyakov N.S., Rubanov L.I. Concepts for the creation of the digital
archive of Russian Academy of Sciences |
188 |
37 |
Karnaukhov V.N., Merzlyakov N.S., Wenger E., Haidinger A. Digital image processing
methods for identification of medieval watermark images |
193 |
 538kb |
38 |
Ustinov A.V. A recursive method for constructing the frequency field of quasi-periodic
images |
197 |
39 |
Ilyasova NY, Ustinov AV, Baranov VG. An expert computer system for diagnosing eye diseases from retina images |
202 |