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Non-stability of mm-wave radar imaging of the car in dynamics
I.V.Minin, O.V.Minin
Institute of Applied Physics Problems, Novosibirsk, Russia

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Pages: 151-153.

Full text of article: English language.

One of the important requirements to the radioimages formed by the systems of the automatic vehicle classification and identification or automobile imaging radar is the quality of forming radioimages. In the ideal case, the quality of radioimages can be equal to optical images, because car radar shall not just determine the presence of the obstacle, but recognize and identify it too. The conducted theoretical and first experimental investigations have shown that the images of obstacles formed by radar are characterized by the non-stability of the radioimages, which may not allow to identify and recognize the targets. Unsteadiness of the car radar imaging in dynamics is analyzed and discussed in this paper. The methods of the decreasing the radar imaging unsteadiness are discussed.

Minin IV, Minin OV. Non-stability of mm-wave radar imaging of the car in dynamics. Computer Optics 1999; 19: 151 - 153.


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