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Analysis of the space-time structure of a steep electromagnetic impulse field when propagating in vacuum

A.V. Gladkikh, S.I. Kharitonov

Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

Samara State Aerospace University

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Pages: 44-47.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The aim of this work is to study the evolution of the space-time structure of the field of an electromagnetic impulse with a steep leading and trailing edge when propagating in vacuum. Attention is drawn to the processes of the impulse field setting and falling. Due to the specifics of the processes under study (the rate of change in time), the slow-changing amplitudes method, which is traditionally used in optics, is not applicable [1]. The research was performed on the basis of the solution of the Fresnel diffraction integral for the function of the frequency spectrum of the initial impulse [2]. The method presented in this work and the results obtained are valid for the impulses with the duration of at least twenty periods.

Gladkikh AV, Kharitonov SI. Analysis of the space-time structure of a steep electromagnetic impulse field when propagating in vacuum. Computer Optics 2000; 20: 44 - 47.


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