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Design of spectral gratings

L.L. Doskolovich

Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, Samara

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Pages: 7-8.

Full text of article: Russian language.

As a rule, DOEs are designed to work with radiation of a particular wavelength. Various applied tasks, including recognition, image processing, optical communication, measurement of temperature characteristics of objects, color printing, and photography require DOEs that provide for working with the radiation of different wavelengths.

Doskolovich LL. Design of spectral gratings. Computer Optics 2001; 21: 7-8.


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  2. Doskolovich LL, Petrova OI. Design of spectral DOE [In Russian]. Computer Optics 1999; 19: 29-32.
  3. Doskololovich LL, Repetto M. Design of DOEs for focusing different wavelengths. Optical Memory and Neural Network 2000; 9(1): 13-23.
  4. Doskolovich LL. Design of DOEs for focusing of different wavelengths [In Russian]. Avtometriya 2000; 3: 99-108.

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