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Analysis of light diffraction by microoptics elements using the integral equation solution by the finite element method

V.V. Kotlyar1, M.A. Lichmanov2

1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, Samara

2Samara State Aerospace University

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Pages: 19-22.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The authors develop an algorithm for solving the Fredholm integral equation of the 2nd kind using the finite element method. The problem of solving the integral equation is reduced to solving a linear system of algebraic equations by the Gauss method. The integral equation itself follows from the Green’s theorem for the Helmholtz equation and describes the diffraction of a TE-polarized plane wave by a cylindrical transparent graded-index object.

Kotlyar VV, Lichmanov MA. Analysis of light diffraction by microoptics elements using the integral equation solution by the finite element method. Computer optics 2001; 21: 19-22.


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