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Operator description of paraxial light fields
V.V. Kotlyar1, S.N. Khonina1, Ya. Wang2
1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, Samara
2Beijing Institute of Technology
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Pages: 45-52.
Full text of article: Russian language.
The paper uses invariant operators to describe a paraxial light field propagating in free space or a medium with a parabolic refractive index. An integral transform (similar to the Fresnel transform) is provided that describes the propagation of light in a medium with a parabolic refractive index. The results of numerical and natural experiments on the generation of Gauss-Hermite modes using phase DOEs are presented. The difference between the experimental and theoretical results amounted to approximately 12%.
Kotlyar VV, Khonina SN, Wang Ya. Operator description of paraxial light fields. Computer Optics 2001; 21: 45-52.
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