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Mathematical model of the eye lens adequately reproducing its atomic structure and optical properties of the eye system
S.E. Kurushina, Y.L. Ratis
Samara State Aerospace University
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Pages: 81-87.
Full text of article: Russian language.
A new model of the eye lens is proposed that takes into account the asphericity of the refracting surfaces and the distribution of the refractive index of its medium. The model is based on biometric data and the assumption that the refractive index distribution profile is similar to the profile of the refractive surfaces. The Gaussian and aberration properties of the eye optical system with the proposed lens model included into it are analyzed.
Kurushina SE, Ratis YL. Mathematical model of the eye lens adequately reproducing its atomic structure and optical properties of the eye system. Computer Optics 2001; 21: 81-87.
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