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System of object recognition in photogrammetric images

N.Y. Ilyasova, V.M. Kostin*, V.V. Kotlyar, A.V. Kupriyanov, A.V. Roshchin, A.V. Ustinov

Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, Samara

*Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov

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Pages: 185-192

Full text of article: Russian language.

The article presents an automated system for processing digital raster images of photogrammetric survey entered into a computer by scanning. The system is designed for digital processing of photogrammetric information in scientific and technical experiments to study the behavior of local objects in a two-dimensional environment. The article describes methods for determining geometric parameters and analyzing the spatial position of objects and algorithms for obtaining precision photogrammetric data corresponding to the real measuring properties of processed images.

Ilyasova NY, Kostin VM, Kotlyar VV, Kupriyanov AV, Roshchin AV, Ustinov AV. System of object recognition in photogrammetric images. Computer Optics 2001; 21: 185 - 192.


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