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Algorithms of image processing presented in pseudo-holographic codes: development and research

D.A. Barinova 1, 2
1Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)
2Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

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Pages: 149-154.

Full text of article: Russian language.

This paper analyses two methods of pseudo-holographic coding: “regular” and “stochastic”. The results of a comparative analysis of these transformations are presented in relation to the problem of image recovery in case of loss of some information. A method is proposed which involves inserting an electronic watermark into a digital image for a regular method of pseudo-holographic coding. The results of the analysis of the watermark resistace to the "typical" transformations of digital images are presented. The applicability limits of the regular pseudo-holographic coding method for solving specific applied problems are determined.

image processing, pseudo-holographic codes, stochastic, comparative analysis, image recovery, electronic watermark, digital image.

Barinova DA. Algorithms of image processing presented in pseudo-holographic codes: development and research. Computer Optics 2005; 27: 149-154.

This work was supported by the Russian-American Program for Basic Research and Higher Education (BHRE), as well as the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants No. 05-01-96501, 03-01-00736) and a grant from the President of the Russian Federation No. 1007.2003 .01.


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