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Self-reproducing laser beams and their application
N.Y. Ilyasova1,2, A.O. Korepanov1,2, P.M. Chikulaev1,2
1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
2Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

Pages: 146-150.
The paper presents a method of isolating the central lines of blood vessels in biomedical diagnostic images, based on the use of global optimization methods applying the shortest-path search algorithm according to the Dijkstra graph. The optimized functional is formed on the basis of an indistinct directional field based on the original image.
blood vessels, biomedical diagnostic image, algorithm according to the Dijkstra graph, original image
Ilyasova NY, Korepanov AO, Chikulaev PM. The method of selection of the central lines of blood vessels in diagnostic images. Computer Optics 2006; 29: 146-150.
This work was supported by the Russian-American program “Basic Research and Higher Education” (BRHE), the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Basic Sciences for Medicine” and grants from the RFBR No. 06-07-08006-ofi, No. 05-01-08020-ofi_n.
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