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Retouching and restoration of missing image fragments by means of the iterative calculation of their spectra

A.V. Kokoshkin1, V.A. Korotkov1, K.V. Korotkov1, E.P. Novichikhin1

The Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences,
141120, Russia, Fryazino, Vvedensky Sq. 1

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2019-43-6-1030-1040

Pages: 1030-1040.

Full text of article: Russian language.

This paper discusses the use of the interpolation method for the sequential calculation of the Fourier spectrum (IMSCS) for retouching and restoration of missing (shaded) image fragments. The proposed approach can be used with any form of a missing image fragment. Such image processing can give good results even at a significantly high percentage of  missing image fragments. The method of digital virtual image reconstruction proposed here is strictly based on a scientific approach; as the source data, it uses all the data available (the image itself is the object to be recovered). Therefore, it is free from the human factor, because of which subjective changes can be introduced in the image under processing. The results presented indicate a significant increase in the quality of digital images (increasing the information content), which can offer helpful auxiliary tools for professionals using these images for their practical purposes.

image processing. interpolation, retouching, image restoration.

Kokoshkin AV, Korotkov VA, Korotkov KV, Novichikhin EP. Retouching and restoration of missing image fragments by means of the iterative calculation of their spectra. Computer Optics 2019; 43(6): 1030-1040. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2019-43-6-1030-1040.


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