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The combined use of adaptive optics and nonlinear optical wavefront reversal techniques to compensate for turbulent distortions when focusing laser radiation on distant objects
V.P. Lukin 1, N.N. Botygina 1, P.A. Konyaev 1, O.V. Kulagin 2, I.A. Gorbunov 2

V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk,
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Niznii Novgorod

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-725

Pages: 519-532.

Full text of article: Russian language.

Approaches to constructing a mock-up of a system for focusing laser radiation on distant objects using both adaptive optics elements and nonlinear-optical wavefront reversal methods providing compensation for turbulent distortions are considered. Numerical calculations were preliminarily performed, in which the split-step method was used as a numerical method for solving a second-order partial differential wave equation for the complex amplitude of the wave field of a laser beam. This method, combined with methods of spectral-phase Fourier transforms and statistical tests, is the most effective way to obtain reliable quantitative results for solving engineering problems of atmospheric wave optics. Quantitative data are obtained on the effect of turbulent atmospheric distortions along propagation paths on the main parameters of coherent laser beams – focusing, effective average radius, and the proportion of the beam energy in its diffraction spot. The preliminary results obtained of the system mock-up performance confirm the conclusions of the theory.

adaptive optics, phase conjugation, wavefront reversal, wavefront sensor.

Lukin VP, Botygina NN, Konyaev PA, Kulagin OV, Gorbunov IA. The combined use of adaptive optics and nonlinear optical wavefront reversal techniques to compensate for turbulent distortions when focusing laser radiation on distant objects. Computer Optics 2020; 44(4): 519-532. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-725.

The authors are grateful to the staff of the IOA SB RAS: Leading engineer A. Borzilov and Ph.D. Torgaeva A.V. for carrying out measurements of atmospheric parameters, Ph.D. Lavrinova V.V. for the development of a wavefront sensor control program; E. Soin engineers and Selina A.A. for their help with the work. We express special gratitude and thanks to the designer A.N. Gritsuta and lead engineer O. N. Emaleev for participating in the development of the layout. The authors are also grateful to the IAP RAS employees: 1st category programmer S.O. Kulagin and research engineer Kulagin I.O. for help in creating and launching the laser part of the layout. We are looking forward to future joint serious work on the proposed layout.
This work was financially supported by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the government projects of the IOA SB RAS and IAP RAS.


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