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Determining the composition of an object based on its hyperspectral image
A.V. Demin 1,2, E.N. Sechak 1,2, S.P. Prisyazhnyuk 1,3
1 ITMO University, 197101, Russia, St. Petersburg, Kronverkskiy prospekt, 49,
2 JSC "LOMO", 194044, Russia, St. Petersburg, Chugunnaya 20,
3 CJSC "«Institute of Telecommunications»", 194100, Russia, St. Petersburg, Kantemirovskaya 5
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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-697
Pages: 394-398.
Full text of article: Russian language.
The article presents results of the development and research of a hyperspectral imaging spectrometer for analyzing borehole fluids in real operating conditions in the spectral range from 0.35 microns to 2.1 microns. A mathematical model and an algorithm for identifying the borehole fluid by composition and percentage content based on the results of hyperspectral image analysis are developed.
computer optics, image processing, image analysis, three-dimensional image processing, spectrometer.
Demin AV, Sechak EN, Prisyazhnyuk SP. Determining the composition of an object based on its hyperspectral image. Computer Optics 2021; 45(3): 394-398. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-697.
The work was carried out at the JSC "Institute of Telecommunications" within the framework of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of shipbuilding and technology for the development of offshore fields in 2013-2030".
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