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Detection of elliptical polarization parameters using a metalens
A.G. Nalimov 1,2, V.V. Kotlyar 1,2, A.A. Kovalev 1,2, S.D. Poletaev 1,2, Y.V. Khanenko 1,2
1 Image Processing Systems Institute, NRC "Kurchatov Institute",
443001, Samara, Russia, Molodogvardeyskaya 151;
2 Samara National Research University,
443086, Samara, Russia, Moskovskoye Shosse 34
PDF, 1648 kB
DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1515
Pages: 180-186.
Full text of article: Russian language.
A metalens capable of detecting the polarization ellipticity of an incident beam is considered in this paper. This metalens consists of blocks with diffraction gratings of a 140-nm height and a 220-nm period. The metalens operates as a polarizer, which depends on one transverse coordinate, and a focuser. It is capable of both separating linearly polarized radiation into two focal spots with the opposite-handed circular polarizations and detecting the circular polarization handedness and degree of its ellipticity. Operating in a wide range of wavelengths from 0.55 to 0.837 µm, the metalens can be used in the range from 0.64 to 0.837 µm to identify the incident radiation wavelength due to an almost linear shift of the focal spot in the transverse plane with the wavelength.
metasurface, spin angular momentum, spin Hall effect, detection of elliptical polarization.
Nalimov AG, Kotlyar VV, Kovalev AA, Poletaev SD, Khanenko YV. Detection of elliptical polarization parameters using a metalens. Computer Optics 2025; 49(2): 180-186. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1515.
The work was partly funded by the Russian Science Foundation under grant #23-12-00236 (Sections “Demultiplexing of elliptical polarizations”, “Operation of the metalens at different wavelengths”) and within the government project of the NRC “Kurchatov Institute” (Sections “Introduction”, “Conclusion”).
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