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Development of an OCT image analysis algorithm for differential diagnosis of retinal edema based on deep learning
N.S. Demin 1,2, N.Y. Ilyasova 1,2, E.A. Zamytskiy 3, A.V. Zolotarev 3, D.V. Kirsh 1,2, A.Y. Ionov 1
1 Samara National Research University,
443086, Samara, Russia, Moskovskoye Shosse 34;
2 Image Processing Systems Institute, NRC "Kurchatov Institute",
Molodogvardeyskaya Str. 151, Samara, 443001, Russia;
3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Samara State Medical University»,
of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation,
89, Chapaevskaya st., Samara, Russia, 443099
PDF, 2584 kB
DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1613
Pages: 292-300.
Full text of article: Russian language.
The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm for differential diagnosis of retinal edema and study deep learning methods and their application to image analysis. The application of convolutional neural networks for the task of semantic segmentation of retinal layers is investigated and its efficiency is proved for two selected layers (pigment epithelium and retina). An algorithm of disease classification based on the intellectual analysis of the layers selected by the neural network is implemented. A proof of its applicability for differential diagnostics of retinal edema is presented. The accuracy of disease detection amounts to 90%.
image segmentation, convolutional neural networks, image classification, optical coherence tomography, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular edema.
Demin NS, Ilyasova NY, Zamytskiy EA, Zolotarev AV, Kirsh DV, Ionov AYu. Development of an OCT image analysis algorithm for differential diagnosis of retinal edema based on deep learning. Computer Optics 2025; 49(2): 292-300. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1613.
This work was carried out within the state assignment of NRC “Kurchatov Institute”.
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