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Human Action Recognition Based on The Skeletal Pairwise Dissimilarity
E.E. Surkov 1, O.S. Seredin 1, A.V. Kopylov 1
1 Tula State University,
Lenin Ave. 92, Tula, 300012, Russia
PDF, 6771 kB
DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1522
Pages: 493-503.
Full text of article: English language.
The main idea of the paper is to apply the principles of featureless pattern recognition to human activity recognition problem. The article presents the human figure representing approach based on pairwise dissimilarity function of skeletal models and a set of reference objects, also known as a basic assembly. The paper includes a basic assembly analysis and we propose the method for selecting the least-correlated basic objects. The video sequence proposed for analysis of human activity within frames is represented as an activity map. The activity map is a result of computing the pairwise dissimilarity function between skeletal models from the video sequence and the basic assembly of skeletons. The paper conducts frame-by-frame annotation of activities in the TST Fall Detection v2 database, such as standing, sitting, lying, walking, falling, post-fall lying, grasp, ungrasp. A convolutional neural network based on the ResNetV2 with the SE-block is proposed to solve the activity recognition problem. SE-block allows to detect inter-channel dependencies and selecting the most important features. Additionally, we prepare a data for training, determine an optimal hyperparameters of the neural network model. Experimental results of human activity recognition on the TST Fall Detection v2 database using the Leave-one-person-out procedure are provided. Furthermore, the paper presents a frame-by-frame assessment of the quality of human activity recognition, achieving an accuracy exceeding 83%.
basic assembly, pairwise dissimilarity measure, activity map, human action recognition, CNN, inner-channel attention.
Surkov EE, Seredin OS, Kopylov AV. Human Action Recognition Based on The Skeletal Pairwise Dissimilarity. Computer Optics 2025; 49(3): 493-503. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1522.
This research is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state task FSFS-2024-0012.
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