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Light flux diffraction on sensitive elements of fiber-optic and optoelectronic
sensors of mechanical displacements
Y.L. Ratis, G.I. Leonovich

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Pages: 74-77.

Full text of article: Russian language.

When developing fiber-optic and optoelectronic sensor equipment for measuring displacements, position, deformations, and other mechanical quantities, the developers always have to take into account the peculiarities of the propagation of light flux through the optical path (OP) of the measuring device. When passing through the OP, the radiation is transformed by changing the intensity, phase, directivity, polarization or wavelength. The reflected, transmitted or re-emitted light flux leaves the OP and enters the photodetector, which produces an electrical signal containing the measurement data.

Ratis YL, Leonovich GI. Light flux diffraction on sensitive elements of fiber-optic and optoelectronic sensors of mechanical displacements. Computer Optics 1996; 16: 74-77.


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