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Raster diffraction-aperture mask for correction of visual disorders
I.G. Palchikova, E.I. Palchikov, V.P. Bessmeltsev, S.G. Baev
Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk
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Pages: 37-43.
Full text of article: Russian language.
The paper reports on the development of raster diffractive-aperture glasses. It provides the dependence
of the diameter of the holes on the degree of the eye ametropia and the dependence of the
distance between the holes on the diameter of the pupil. The paper considers the potential and the
advantages of using laser technologies for the production of raster diffraction-aperture glasses. The
results of the experiments with the eye model are discussed: different operation modes of the glasses,
areas of application, vision improvement mechanisms.
Palchikova IG, Palchikov EI, Bessmeltsev VP, Baev SG. Raster diffraction-aperture
mask for correction of visual disorders. Computer Optics 1997; 17: 37-43.
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