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Fabrication techniques for a continuous microrelief of diffractive optical element
A.V. Volkov, N.L. Kazanskiy, V.A. Soifer, V.S. Soloviev
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

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Pages: 91-93.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The paper proposes to implement the phase function of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) in the form of a continuous relief on a flat surface. To create such a relief, the effect of mass transfer was used in the layers of liquid photopolymerizable compositions (LPPC) [1-3]. The developed technology allows to create “quasi-diffractive” optical elements (with a relief height proportional to 10-100 λ, where λ is the wavelength) that preserve the advantages of diffractive optics (minimum weight and size characteristics; unique application capabilities achieved through computer-aided microrelief design) and operate in a wide spectral range. The authors intentionally searched for the recording media that would allow to obtain an optically smooth microrelief that would not scatter light and would have a continuous profile in the range from a few microns to tens of microns. On
the basis of this effect, a technology was developed for producing laser focusing devices for a wavelength of 10.6 μm. The article presents the profilograms of the relief obtained at LPPC using mass transfer.

Volkov AV, Kazanskiy NL, Soifer VA, Soloviev VS. Fabrication techniques for a continuous microrelief of diffractive optical element. Computer Optics 1997; 17: 91-93.


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