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Nonlinear diffraction distortions of the optical response function in coding interfaces of optoelectronic sensors
Y.L. Ratis, G.I. Leonovich, S.E. Kurushina, A.Y. Melnikov
Samara State Aerospace University

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Pages: 61-71.

Full text of article: Russian language.

When designing optoelectronic sensors that contain coding interfaces as part of the coding sliding scale (CSS) and stationary sensing elements (SSE), in most cases, it is necessary to take into account the conversion errors created by the nonlinearity of the SSE response function as a result of light diffraction by the CSS holes [1-3]. The works [1, 4, 5] provide a general solution of the problem of light diffraction by rectangular and circular holes. When stating and solving the practical problems, the most interesting part is the description of the response function for light diffraction by rectangular and quasi-rectangular holes (a ring sector, oval, biconcave quasi-rectangle, etc.), taking into account manufacturing errors, skew and displacement of the CSS relative to the SSE. When considering and adjusting the diffraction corrections, there may arise an additional objective of reducing the number of computational operations.

Ratis YL, Leonovich GI, Kurushina SE, Melnikov AY. Nonlinear diffraction distortions of the optical response function in coding interfaces of optoelectronic sensors. Computer Optics 1998; 18: 61-71.


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