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Generation and transmission of images over a distance by means of the Gauss-Laguerre modes
S.N. Khonina
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

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Pages: 71-82.

Full text of article: Russian language.

An invariant image shall be formed in order to transmit an image over a distance through free space or a fiber. By invariant image, we mean the transverse distribution of the light field intensity, which is preserved with a precision up to the scale and rotation when propagating in space. This can be achieved by approximating the given image with a set of Gauss-Laguerre (GL) modes with the selected numbers. This article analyzes the conditions that the GL mode numbers shall satisfy in order to form stable or rotating images, as well as the images preserving their appearance in the Fourier plane. The paper provides the numerical examples of invariant images approximating a cross, a ring, a semiring, a triangle, and a segment.

Khonina SN. Generation and transmission of images over a distance by means of the Gauss-Laguerre modes. Computer Optics 1998; 18: 71-82.


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