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Experimental study of application of Gaussian modes for multiplexing the optical information channels
V.S. Pavelyev, V.A. Soifer, M. Duparre1,R. Kowarschik1, B. Luedge1, B. Kley2, S.V. Karpeev3
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
1Institute of Applied Optics, Friedrich Schiller University (Jena, Germany)
2Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University (Jena, Germany)
3Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev

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Pages: 115-121.

Full text of article: Russian language.

It was shown in [1] that the application of the fundamental properties of laser radiation modes allows to increase the number of channels in fiber-optic communication systems and free-space communication systems, as well as to create highly sensitive optical sensors. Thus, the development of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) allowing to form and select laser radiation modes (modans), is an important objective of the improvement of element base for the construction of highly efficient optoelectronic systems. In [2,3], we presented the results of a theoretical and a natural study of a modan that converts an illuminating Gaussian TEM00 beam into a single-mode Hermite-Gaussian beam (1,0). In this paper, the authors present new results obtained by using various elements in a unified optical system: the aim of the study is to convert the input TEM00 laser beam into several beams described by single-mode Hermite-Gaussian distributions (n,m). After separate modulation of the obtained single-mode beams and combining them into one beam using a conventional optical beam splitter, the propagation of this combined multimode beam in space was investigated. Further, the obtained multimode beam was investigated using an analyzing modan [1]. During the above investigation, the element described in [2,3] was used to transform the illuminating beam TEM00 into the Hermite-Gaussian mode (1.0) and the Hermite-Gaussian mode (0.1). The analyzing modan was calculated by the crossed gratings method with subsequent encoding of its transmission function into a purely phase function by the method of synthetic coefficients [1]. The analyzing modan was produced using the same technology as in the element [2,3]. The theoretical and experimental results are in good mutual agreement.

Pavelyev VS, Soifer VA, Duparre M, Kowarschik R, Luedge B, Kley B, Karpeev SV. Experimental study of application of Gaussian modes for multiplexing the optical information channels. Computer Optics 1998; 18: 115-121.


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