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Problems of fiber-optic communication systems operation
Y.V. Agrafonov, D.B. Lipov, A.N. Malov, A.V. Ovchinkin
Irkutsk State University
Irkutsk Branch of the Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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Pages: 159-164.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The evolvement of fiber-optic telecommunication technologies brings forward more and more problems, which are predominantly of a systemic nature or associated with the particular specifics of operating conditions. The launched operation of Siberian fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) is no exception. The purpose of this work is a preliminary formulation of some problems of operation, testing and diagnostics of fiber-optic communication lines using the example of the Siberian parts of the lines laid in ground wearers of power transmission lines.

Agrafonov YV, Lipov DB, Malov AN, Ovchinkin AV. Problems of fiber-optic communication systems operation. Computer Optics 1999; 19: 159 - 164.


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