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An expert computer system for diagnosing eye diseases from retina images
N.Y. Ilyasova, A.V. Ustinov, V.G. Baranov
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

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Pages: 202-209.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The article presents an approach to the analysis of the retina vascular system on the basis of quantitative estimates of the elements of the fundus pathomorphological pattern used in expert assessment of the retina pathology. The authors address the issue of increasing the accuracy of measuring the relative values, which are familiar to most doctors and can be correlated with the personal medical experience and the results of well-known clinical studies. The article proposes a fundamentally new interactive system based on the interaction of the doctor (user) with the software and hardware complex for the quantitative assessment of diagnostic images of the fundus. This paper presents the following technical and methodological solutions: a new approach to grouping the diagnostic signs subject to quantitative assessment; formalized methods for determining the degree of pathological changes in the retina (quantitative ratios of the characteristics of the vessels, the degree of their tortuosity, irregularity, etc.); a fundamentally new approach to the analysis of the vascular system by tracing detection of the vessels; the methods and algorithms for quantitative assessment of the elements of microvasculature pathology; the structure of tables of the database that provides storage and quick access to the graphic images of the fundus and to the processing results; algorithms for predicting a diagnostic decision on the degree of fundus pathology using previous quantitative estimates of diagnostic signs; software for clinical interpretation of the obtained quantitative indicators. The article presents certain interface forms of the system for evaluating the diagnostic parameters and obtaining expert assessments of the pathology.

Ilyasova NY, Ustinov AV, Baranov VG. An expert computer system for diagnosing eye diseases from retina images. Computer Optics 1999; 19: 202-209.


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