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Preparation of a substrate surface for DOE fabrication using a layered photoresist growth method

A.V. Volkov, N.L. Kazanskiy, O.Y. Moiseev

Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS, Samara

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Pages: 113-116

Full text of article: Russian language.

The microelectronic technology methods are widely used in DOE microrelief production, these methods allow to produce a stepped relief that approximates the required shape of the DOE surface. In [1, 2], a relatively simple and labor-efficient method was proposed for producing microreliefs by way of layer-by-layer photoresist buildup, which excludes the process of substrate etching. Essentially, a stepped relief of a DOE is formed by multiple layer-by-layer deposition of photoresist layers, which have passed the stages of exposure through the corresponding photomasks and all the treatment processes, including deep hardening.

Volkov AV, Kazanskiy NL, Moiseev OY. Preparation of a substrate surface for DOE fabrication using a layered photoresist growth method. Computer Optics 2001. 21: 113-116.


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