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Efficient coding of two-dimensional homogeneous regions with hierarchical image compression

M.V. Gashnikov 1, 2E.V.Mazanova 1
1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
2Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

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Pages: 142-145.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The paper proposes a method for increasing the efficiency of hierarchical image compression by eliminating two-dimensional regions with similar or gradient brightness from the coding process. An effective algorithm for searching such areas is proposed, and a modification of the general hierarchical compression scheme required to enable such an algorithm is considered. A computational experiment is performed to estimate the gain from using the developed algorithm in comparison with the basic method.

two-dimensional homogeneous regions, image compression, coding process, gradient brightness, searching such areas, general hierarchical compression.

Gashnikov MV, Mazanova EV. Efficient coding of two-dimensional homogeneous regions with hierarchical image compression. Computer Optics 2005; 27: 142-145.

This work was supported by the Russian-American program Basic Research and Higher Education (BRHE); Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), grant 04-01-96507, grant of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1007.2003.01.


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