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Unfolder: fast localization and image rectification of a document with a crease from folding in half
A.M. Ershov 1,2, D.V. Tropin 1,3, E.E. Limonova 1,3, D.P. Nikolaev 1,2, V.V. Arlazarov 1,3
1 Smart Engines Service LLC, 117312, Moscow, Russia, Prospekt 60-letiia Oktiabria 9;
2 Institute for Information Transmission Problems of RAS (Kharkevich Institute),
127051, Moscow, Russia, Bolshoy Karetny per. 19, build 1;
3 Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
119333, Moscow, Russia, Prospekt 60-letiia Oktiabria 9
PDF, 4836 kB
DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1406
Pages: 542-553.
Full text of article: English language.
Presentation of folded documents is not an uncommon case in modern society. Digitizing such documents by capturing them with a smartphone camera can be tricky since a crease can divide the document contents into separate planes. To unfold the document, one could hold the edges potentially obscuring it in a captured image. While there are many geometrical rectification methods, they were usually developed for arbitrary bends and folds. We consider such algorithms and propose a novel approach Unfolder developed specifically for images of documents with a crease from folding in half. Unfolder is robust to projective distortions of the document image and does not fragment the image in the vicinity of a crease after rectification. A new Folded Document Images dataset was created to investigate the rectification accuracy of folded (2, 3, 4, and 8 folds) documents. The dataset includes 1600 images captured when document placed on a table and when held in hand. The Unfolder algorithm allowed for a recognition error rate of 0.33, which is better than the advanced neural network methods DocTr (0.44) and DewarpNet (0.57). The average runtime for Unfolder was only 0.25 s / image on an iPhone XR.
folded documents, image rectification, dewarping, on-device acquisition, open dataset.
Ershov AM, Tropin DV, Limonova EE, Nikolaev DP, Arlazarov VV. Unfolder: fast localization and image rectification of a document with a crease from folding in half. Computer Optics 2024; 48(4): 542-553. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1406.
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