Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute,
NRC "Kurchatov Institute"
Computer Optics
Volume 48 Number 4
Jule-August 2024 |
Contents |

990 kb |
1 |
Bashkirov E.K. Dynamics of a two-qubit Tavis-Cummings model in the presence of an Ising-type interaction between qubits |
475 |

829 kb |
2 |
Ivakhnik V.V., Kapizov D.R., Nikonov V.I. Six-wave interaction in multimode waveguides with Kerr nonlinearity with allowance for the Gaussian structure of pump waves |
483 |

3061 kb |
3 |
Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. On obtaining the coupled-mode theory using a model of coupled plane waves for symmetric resonant diffraction gratings |
491 |

2020 kb |
4 |
Abramochkin E.G., Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A. Ince-Gaussian laser beams as superposition of Hermite-Gaussian or Laguerre-Gaussian beams |
501 |

1827 kb |
5 |
Rukosuev A.L., Nikitin A.N., Galaktionov I.V., Sheldakova J.V., Kudryashov A.V. Real-time adaptive optics for high-power laser beam correction in the strong turbulence |
511 |

1612 kb |
6 |
Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Telegin A.M. Polarization Möbius strip at the tight focus of a generalized Poincaré beam |
519 |

4310 kb |
7 |
Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Khorin P.A., Dzyuba A.P., Serafimovich D.P., Skidanov R.V. Multi-order optical spatial vortex filters for simultaneous contour extraction of various parts of an object |
525 |

1180 kb |
8 |
Shashkin I.S., Grishin A.E., Pevchikh K.E., Slipchenko S.O., Pikhtin N.A. Design and optimization of high-contrast gratings for multispectral VCSEL-SOI laser sources |
535 |

4836 kb |
9 |
Ershov A.M., Tropin D.V., Limonova E.E., Nikolaev D.P., Arlazarov V.V. Unfolder: fast localization and image rectification of a document with a crease from folding in half |
542 |

11 Mb |
10 |
Kunina I.A., Padas O.A., Kolomyttseva O.A. Verification of color characteristics of document images captured in uncontrolled conditions |
554 |

4547 kb |
11 |
Chaganova O.B., Grigoryev A.S., Nikolaev D.P., Nikolaev I.P. Applied aspects of modern non-blind image deconvolution methods
| 562 |

1382 kb |
12 |
Trusov A.V., Putintsev D.N., Limonova E.E. Uncertainty-based quantization method for stable training of binary neural networks |
573 |

61 Mb |
13 |
Baboshina V.A., Orazaev A.R., Lyakhov P.A., Boyarskaya E.E. Neural network recognition system for video transmitted through a binary symmetric channel |
582 |

4042 kb |
14 |
Ershova D.M., Gayer A.V., Bezmaternykh P.V., Arlazarov V.V. YOLO-Barcode: towards universal real-time barcode detection on mobile devices |
592 |

2773 kb
15 |
Yamaev A.V. Monitored reconstruction improved by post-processing neural network |
601 |

2739 kb |
16 |
Volkov V.V., Shvets E.A. Neural network algorithm for optical-SAR image registration based on a uniform grid of points |
610 |

925 kb |
17 |
Sheremet I.A. Multigrammatical modelling of neural networks |
619 |

3737 kb |
18 |
Osipov A.V., Pleshakova E.S., Gataullin S.T. Production processes optimization through machine learning methods based on geophysical monitoring data |
633 |