Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch
of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS
Computer Optics
Volume 46 Number 4
July-August 2022 |
Contents |

966 kb |
1 |
Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A. Orbital angular momentum of structurally stable laser beams |
517 |

2339 kb |
2 |
Kotlyar V.V., Abramochkin E.G., Kovalev A.A., Nalimov A.G. Astigmatic transformation of a fractional-order edge dislocation |
522 |

1427 kb |
3 |
Savelyeva A.A., Kozlova E.S. Comparison of the shape of focal spots in terms of intensity and energy flux for a high-aperture zone plate and a spiral zone plate |
531 |

3096 kb |
4 |
Savelyev D.A. Peculiarities of focusing circularly and radially polarized super-Gaussian beams using ring gratings with varying relief height |
537 |

1186 kb |
5 |
Savelyev M.V., Remzov A.D. Spatial and temporal characteristics of a four-wave radiation converter with due regard for Earth's gravity field acting on nanoparticles dissolved in a transparent liquid |
547 |

1083 kb |
6 |
Petrakova V.S., Tsipotan A.S., Slabko V.V. The mathematical model of quantum dots pair orientation under laser radiation field |
555 |

952 kb |
7 |
Girshova E.I., Ogurtcov A.V., Belonovski A.V., Morozov K.M., Kaliteevski M.A. Genetic algorithm for optimizing bragg and hybrid metal-dielectric reflectors |
561 |

1288 kb |
8 |
Arlazarov V.V., Andreeva E.I., Bulatov K.B., Nikolaev D.P., Petrova O.O., Savelev B.I., Slavin O.A. Document image analysis and recognition: A survey |
567 |

953 kb |
9 |
Figura KN. Investigation of the applicability of natural language processing methods to problems of searching and matching of machinery drawing images |
590 |

1294 kb |
10 |
Paringer R.A., Mukhin A.V., Ilyasova N.Y., Demin N.S. Neural networks application for semantic segmentation of fundus |
596 |

5454 kb |
11 |
Ryumina E.V., Ryumin D.A., Markitantov M.V., Karpov A.A. A method for generating training data
for a protective face mask detection system
| 603 |

1052 kb |
12 |
Denisova A.Y., Fedoseev V.A. Detection of presentation attacks on facial authentication systems using special devices |
612 |

807 kb |
13 |
Konevsky V.V., Blagov A.V., Gaidel A.V., Kapishnikov A.V., Kupriyanov A.V., Surovtsev E.N., Asatryan D.G. Improving the efficiency of brain MRI image analysis using feature selection |
621 |

987 kb |
14 |
Kovalev V.Y., Shishkin A.G. Automatic segmentation of intracytoplasmic sperm injection images |
628 |

4276 kb
15 |
Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. Spatiotemporal ecosystem health assessment comparison under the pressure-state-response framework |
634 |

1900 kb |
16 |
Gashnikov M.V., Kuznetsov A.V. Detection of artificial fragments embedded in remote sensing images by adversarial neural networks |
643 |

968 kb |
17 |
Golyak I.S., Kareva E.R., Fufurin I.L., Anfimov D.R., Scherbakova A.V., Nebritova A.O., Demkin P.P., Morozov A.N. Numerical methods of spectral analysis of multicomponent gas mixtures and human exhaled breath |
650 |

835 kb
18 |
Kamenskiy A.V. High-speed recursive-separable image processing filters |
659 |