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Production and investigational study of focusators into a ring and two points
A.V. Volkov, N.L. Kazanskiy, G.V. Uspleniev
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Pages: 132-136.
Full text of article: Russian language.
The article reports on the production and investigation of two diffractive optical elements
(DOEs) designed to focus laser radiation into a ring and into two points. The photomasks for the
diffractive optical element focusing laser radiation of the near-infrared range into a ring was produced by the employees of the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of
RAS (Novosibirsk), the photomasks for the DOE focusing laser radiation into two points was produced by V.A. Danilov, the leading engineer of the Scientific and Technological Center of Unique
Instrumentation of RAS. The Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS produced and investigated
the optical elements. The results achieved and further cooperation proved the expediency of cooperation on the production of highly efficient and exportable DOEs.
Volkov AV, Kazanskiy NL, Uspleniev GV. Production and investigational study of
focusators into a ring and two points. Computer Optics 1999; 19: 132-136.
© 2009, IPSI RAS
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