Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS
Volume 43 Number 2
March-April 2019
Contents |
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Kharitonov S.I., Volotovsky S.G., Khonina S.N. Catastrophe theory and caustics of radially symmetric beams |
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Pavelev A.V., Semin V.V. Investigation of non-markovian dynamics of two dipole-dipole interacting Qubits based on numerical solution of the non-linear stochastic schrödinger equation |
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Kotlyar V.V., Nalimov A.G., Stafeev S.S. Comparison of backward flow values in the sharp focus of light fields with polarization and phase singularity |
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Khonina S.N., Volotovsky S.G., Kirilenko M.S. Formation of required distributions on the basis of decomposition by vortex eigen functions of a bounded non-paraxial propagation operator |
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Stafeev S.S., Kotlyar V.V. Formation of an elongated region of energy backflow using ring apertures |
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Goncharov D.S., Evtikhiev N.N., Krasnov V.V., Ponomarev N.M., Starikov R.S. The influence of additional phase modulation of an amplitude liquid crystal STLM on the image recognition characteristics in the invariant optical digital correlator |
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Antonov A.I., Vasin L.A., Greisukh G.I. Approaches to the algorithmization of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis |
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Abramenko A.A. Extrinsic calibration of stereo camera and three-dimensional laser scanner |
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Shabanov A.V., Korshunov M.A., Bukhanov E.R. Features of the amplification of the electromagnetic field and the density of states of photonic crystal structures in plants |
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Lapko A.V., Lapko V.A. A technique for testing hypotheses for distributions of multidimensional spectral data using a nonparametric pattern recognition algorithm |
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Asatryan D.G. Gradient-based technique for image structural analysis and applications |
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Thanh D.N.H., Prasath V.B.S., Son N.V., Hieu L.M. An adaptive image inpainting method based on the modified mumford-shah model and multiscale parameter estimation |
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Ga H., Zeng W. Image compression and encryption based on wavelet transform and chaos |
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Song X., Wu L., Liu G. Unsupervised color texture segmentation based on multi-scale region-level Markov random field models |
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Rajalakshmi C., Germanus Al.M., Balasubramanian R. Copy move forgery detection using key point localized super pixel based on texture features |
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Magdeev R., Tashlinskii Al. Efficiency of object identification for binary images |
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Lebedev L.I., Yasakov Yu.V., Utesheva T.H., Gromov V.P., Borusjak A.V., Turlapov V.E. Complex analysis and monitoring of the environment based on earth sensing data |
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Vasilchenko V.A., Burkovskiy V.L., Danilov A.D. Algorithmization of the process of recognition of states of living objects based on special x-ray images |
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Ilyasova N.Yu., Shirokanev A.S., Kupriyanov A.V., Paringer R.A. Technology of intellectual feature selection for a system of automatic formation of a coagulate plan on retina |
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Arhid K., Zakani F.R., Bouksim M., Sirbal B., Aboulfatah M., Gad T. A novel approach for partial shape matching and similarity based on data envelopment analysis |
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Kirsh D.V., Shirokanev A.S., Kupriyanov A.V. Algorithm of reconstruction of a three-dimensional crystal structure from two-dimensional projections |
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