Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch
of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS
Computer Optics
Volume 43 Number 4
July-August 2019 |
Contents |

1458kb |
1 |
Volyar A.V., Bretsko M.V., Akimova Ya.E., Egorov Yu.A. Shaping and processing the vortex spectra of singular beams with anomalous orbital angular momentum |
517 |

1188kb |
2 |
Nalimov A.G., Kotlyar V.V. Sharp focus of a circularly polarized optical vortex at the output of a metalens illuminated by linearly polarized light |
528 |

1404kb |
3 |
Morozov O.G., Sakhabutdinov A.J. Addressed fiber Bragg structures in quasi-distributed microwave-photonic sensor systems |
535 |

704kb |
4 |
Greisukh G.I., Ezhov E.G., Antonov A.I. Correction of chromatism of mid-infrared zoom lenses |
544 |

1119kb |
5 |
Pham V.K., Ngo T.P., Gubanova L.A. Search for designs of nonpolarizing interference systems |
550 |

680kb |
6 |
Gladkikh V.A. Calculation of the power of the field, peneting into the external environment of the weaknessing guide of a single-mode fiber |
557 |

818kb |
7 |
Vasilev D.M., Semin V.V. Qubit dynamics in extern laser field |
562 |

1526kb |
8 |
Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Investigation of the topological charge stability for multi-ring Laguerre–Gauss vortex beams to random distortions |
567 |

1066kb |
9 |
Podlipnov V.V., Karpeev S.V., Paranin V.D. Fully symmetric diffraction-interference beam shaper for radially polarized light on a 1530-nm wavelength |
577 |

1467kb |
10 |
Lavrinov V.V., Lavrinova L.N. Reconstruction of wavefront distorted by atmospheric turbulence using a Shack-Hartman sensor |
586 |

1072kb |
11 |
Nesterenko D.V., Pavelkin R.A., Hayashi S. Estimation of resonance characteristics of single-layer surface-plasmon sensors in liquid solutions using Fano approximation in the visible and infrared regions |
596 |

647kb |
12 |
Reznik A.L., Tuzikov A.V., Soloviev A.A., Torgov A.V., Kovalev V.A. Time-optimal algorithms focused on the search for random pulsed-point sources |
605 |

1477kb |
13 |
Kurochkin S.V. Detection of the homotopy type of an object using differential invariants
of an approximating map |
611 |

1138kb |
14 |
Nikitin M.Yu., Konushin V.S., Konushin A.S. Face anti-spoofing with joint spoofing medium detection and eye blinking analysis |
618 |

939kb |
15 |
Vaganov S.E. Adaptive ANN-based method of constructing an interpolation formula for doubling the image size |
627 |

4879kb |
16 |
Mousavi S.M.H., Lyashenko V., Prasath V.B.S. Analysis of a robust edge detection system in different color spaces using color and depth images |
632 |

1049kb |
17 |
Chen H., Ye S., Nedzvedz A., Nedzvedz O., Lv H., Ablameyko S. Traffic extreme situations detection in video sequences based on integral optical flow |
647 |

1266kb |
Gashnikov M.V. Optimization of the multidimensional signal interpolator in a lower dimensional space |
653 |

2196kb |
Sherendak V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O.O., Volkhin P.N., Khristoforova Yu.A., Moryatov A.A., Machikhin A.S., Pozhar V.E., Kozlov S.G., Zakharov V.P. Hyperspectral in vivo analysis of normal skin chromophores and visualization of oncological pathologies |
661 |

799kb |
Morunov N.D., Golovashkin D.L. Design features of block algorithms of FDTD-method implemented
on a GPU using MATLAB |
671 |

1171kb |
Sirota A.A., Donskikh A.O., Akimov A.V., Minakov D.A. Multivariate mixed kernel density estimators and their application in machine learning for classification of biological objects based on spectral measurements |
677 |

1050kb |
Zhirnov A.A., Kudrjashova O.B. Peculiarities of data processing for optical measurements of disperse parameters of bimodal media |
692 |