Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch
of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS
Computer Optics
Volume 45 Number 5
September-October 2021 |
Contents |

1738 kb |
1 |
Kotlyar V.V., Nalimov A.G., Stafeev S.S., Kovalev A.A. Sharp focusing of beams with V-point polarization singularities |
643 |

1168 kb |
2 |
Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Nalimov A.G. Optical phase singularities and superluminal motion in unbounded space |
654 |

2418 kb |
3 |
Bibikova E.A., Kundikova N.D., Shulginov A.A., Al-Wassiti N. Determination of the beam waist position for the spin-orbit interaction effect observation |
661 |

806 kb |
4 |
Akimov A.A., Guzairov S.A., Ivakhnik V.V Quality of radiation conversion under four-wave mixing on thermal nonlinearity with feedback |
667 |

1759 kb |
5 |
Pavelyev V.S., Tukmakov K.N., Reshetnikov A.S., Gerasimov V.V., Osintseva N.D., Knyazev B.A. Experimental investigation of the self-healing of terahertz Bessel beams with orbital angular momentum |
673 |

1568 kb |
6 |
Nesterenko D.V., Morozov A.A., Doskolovich L.L. Optical image edge detection by transmissive metal-dielectric-metal structures |
678 |

855 kb |
7 |
Stafeev S.S., Zaicev V.D. A minimal subwavelength focal spot for the energy flux |
685 |

1731 kb |
8 |
Maksimov A.I., Sergeyev V.V. A method for optimal linear super-resolution image restoration |
692 |

5247 kb |
9 |
Tropin D.V., Ershov A.M., Nikolaev D.P., Arlazarov V.V. Advanced Hough-based method for on-device document localization |
702 |

1595 kb |
10 |
Novikov A.I., Pronkin A.V. Methods for image noise level estimation |
713 |

4348 kb |
11 |
Fida A.D., Gaidel A.V., Demin N.S., Ilyasova N.Y., Zamytskiy E.A. Automated combination of optical coherence tomography images and fundus images
| 721 |

1640 kb |
12 |
Lyakhov P.A., Lyakhova U.A. Neural network classification system for pigmented skin neoplasms with preliminary hair removal in photographs |
728 |

5813 kb |
13 |
Konushin A.S., Faizov B.V., Shakhuro V.I. Road images augmentation with synthetic traffic signs using neural networks |
736 |

1438 kb |
14 |
Belko A.V., Dobratulin K.S., Kuznetsov A.V. Classification of plumage images for identifying bird species |
749 |

872 kb |
15 |
Vizilter Y.V., Vygolov O.V., Zheltov S.Y. Morphological analysis of mosaic shapes with directed relationships based on attribute and relational model representations |
756 |

777 kb |
16 |
Zenkov I.V., Lapko A.V., Lapko V.A., Kiryushina E.V., Vokin V.N. Nonparametric pattern recognition algorithm for testing a hypothesis of the independence of random variables |
767 |

889 kb |
17 |
Mokeev A.S., Yamshchikov V.M. Comparison of numerical integration methods for calculating diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a rectangular aperture |
773 |

795 kb
18 |
Vdovin A.Y. Study of the temporal distribution density of the shot sheaf span to create a simulation model of the optical sensor signal |
779 |