Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch
of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS
Computer Optics
Volume 47 Number 1
January-February 2023 |
Contents |

992 kb |
1 |
Kotlyar V.V., Stafeev S.S., Zaitsev V.D. Sharp focusing of on-axis superposition of a high-order cylindrical vector beam and a beam with linear polarization |
5 |

831 kb |
2 |
Nikolaev V.V., Girshova E.I., Kaliteevski M.A. Modeling of spontaneous emission in presence of cylindrical
nanoobjects: the scattering matrix approach |
16 |

804 kb |
3 |
Vorobeva E.V., Ivakhnik V.V., Kapizov D.R. Spatial and time characteristics of a four-wave radiation converter in a parabolic waveguide with resonant nonlinearity |
27 |

849 kb |
4 |
Stafeev S.S., Pryamikov A.D., Alagashev G.K., Kotlyar V.V. Reverse energy flow in vector modes of optical fibers |
36 |

1032 kb |
5 |
Byzov E.V., Doskolovich L.L., Kravchenko S.V., Moiseev M.A., Kazanskiy N.L. Design of optical elements
for an extended light source |
40 |

1424 kb |
6 |
Bulatov K.M., Zinin P.V., Bykov A.A., Malykhina I.V. RGB color camera for dynamical measurements of high
temperature distribution on a surface of the heated solid |
48 |

1502 kb |
7 |
Gurushankar K., Grishina M., Gohulkumar M., Kannan K. Computational and experimental studies on SnO2 thin
films at various temperatures |
53 |

981 kb |
8 |
Kharitonov S.I., Pavelyev V.S., Kazanskiy N.L., Strelkov Y.S., Tukmakov K.N., Reshetnikov A.S.,
Ganchevskaya S.V., Gerasimov V.V., Knyazev B.A. Optimization, fabrication and characterization
of a binary subwavelength cylindrical lens for the terahertz range |
62 |

978 kb |
9 |
Lyakhov P.A., Nagornov N.N., Semyonova N.F., Abdulsalyamova A.S. Development of digital image processing algorithms based on the Winograd method in general form and analysis of their computational complexity |
68 |

1703 kb |
10 |
Vasilyuk N.N. Correction of rotational blur in images of stars observed by an astroinertial attitude sensor against the background of the daytime sky |
79 |

3430 kb |
11 |
Bibikov S., Petrov M., Alekseev A., Aliev M., Paringer R., Goshin Y., Serafimovich P, Nikonorov A. Color
consistency method for cameras with unknown model
| 92 |

2864 kb |
12 |
Diyazitdinov R.R. Iterative algorithm for accurate superposition of contours with non-uniform sampling
step |
102 |

1369 kb |
13 |
Yemelyanova M.G., Smailova S.S., Baklanova O.E. Detection of surface defects in welded joints during visual inspections using machine vision methods |
112 |

4947 kb |
14 |
Arinichev I.V., Polyanskikh S.V., Arinicheva I.V. Semantic segmentation of rusts and spots of wheat |
118 |

1034 kb
15 |
Vorobev A.V., Vorobeva G.R. An approach to detecting and eliminating spatial contour artifacts in Web
GIS applications |
126 |

10 Mb |
16 |
Uzhinskiy A., Vergel K. Central Russia heavy metal contamination model based on satellite imagery and machine learning |
137 |

1372 kb |
17 |
Agafonova Y.D., Gaidel A.V., Zelter P.M., Kapishnikov A.V., Kuznetsov A.V., Surovtsev E.N.,
Nikonorov A.V. Joint analysis of radiological reports and CT images for automatic validation of pathological brain conditions |
152 |

1299 kb |
18 |
Abdulkadirov R.I., Lyakhov P.A. A new approach to training neural networks using natural gradient descent with momentum based on Dirichlet distributions |
160 |

2575 kb |
19 |
Aleshin N.P., Skrynnikov S.V., Krysko N.V., Shchipakov N.A., Kusyy A.G. Classification of surface defects in the base metal of pipelines based on complex diagnostics results |
170 |

6635 kb |
20 |
Chen L.L. Research on robot motion control and trajectory tracking based on agricultural seeding |
179 |

1489 kb |
21 |
Bakshandaeva D., Dimitrov D., Arkhipkin V., Shonenkov A., Potanin M., Karachev D., Kuznetsov A.,
Voronov A., Petiushko A., Davydova V., Tutubalina E. Many heads but one brain: FusionBrain – a single multimodal multitask architecture and a competition |
185 |