Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute,
NRC "Kurchatov Institute"
Computer Optics
Volume 48 Number 2
March-April 2024 |
Contents |

1872 kb |
1 |
Volyar A.V., Bretsko M.V., Khalilov S.I., Akimova Y.E. Orbital angular momentum burst control in astigmatic structured beams in ABCD-matrix transforms |
171 |

1210 kb |
2 |
Kotlyar V.V., Abramochkin E.G., Kovalev A.A., Kozlova E.S., Savelyeva A.A. Fourier-invariant autofocused Laguerre-Gaussian beams |
180 |

914 kb |
3 |
Stafeev S.S., Kazakov N.N., Kotlyar V.V. Beams with the transverse-only intensity at the focus |
186 |

1679 kb |
4 |
Alagashev G.K., Stafeev S.S., Pryamikov A.D. Losses and orbital part of the Poynting vector
of air-core modes in hollow-core fibers
192 |

1328 kb |
5 |
Lapin B.P., Barshak E.V., Yavorsky M.A., Alexeyev C.N. Propagation of optical vortices in an add-drop resonator based on a vertical array of ring resonators |
197 |

1146 kb |
6 |
Kishkin S.A., Kotova S.P. Discretization of a mathematical model for image analysis based on the optics of spiral beams |
204 |

965 kb |
7 |
Greisukh G.I., Levin I.A., Zakharov O.A. Diffractive elements in thermal imaging monofocal dual-range lenses: design and technological aspects objectives |
210 |

1632 kb |
8 |
Davydov V.V., Provodin D.S., Gol’dberg A.A., Kochetkov I.D. A new method for describing the change of the laser beam axis trajectory in the Anderson differential cuvette to measure the refractive index of liquids |
217 |

1089 kb |
9 |
Yurin A.I., Vishnyakov G.N., Minaev V.L. Research of dispersion characteristics of optical glass |
225 |

3118 kb |
10 |
Shipko V.V., Pozhar V.E., Machikhin A.S., Sharikova M.O., Kananykhin O.A., Pisarevsky Y.V., Sergeev I.B. Formation of contrasting polychromatic object images based on multi-window acousto-optical filtering |
231 |

5217 kb |
11 |
Zagitov A., Chebotareva E., Toschev A., Magid E. Comparative analysis of neural network models performance on low-power devices for a real-time object detection task
| 242 |

1800 kb |
12 |
Pavlov V.А., Belov A.А., Volvenko S.V., Rashich A.V. Application of convolutional neural networks trained on optical images for object detection in radar images |
253 |

961 kb |
13 |
Lyakhov P.A., Lyakhova U.A., Abdulkadirov R.I. Non-convex optimization with using positive-negative moment estimation and its application for skin cancer recognition with a neural network |
260 |

1696 kb |
14 |
Reshetnikov K.I., Ronkin M.V., Porshnev S.V. Investigation of an object-detection approach for estimating the rock fragmentation in the open-pit conditions |
272 |

20 Mb
15 |
Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A.V. Integrating landscape ecological risk with ecosystem services in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia |
282 |

1537 kb |
16 |
Syuzev V.V., Proletarsky A.V., Mikov D.A., Deykin I.I. Ways to improve the accuracy of the harmonic method for simulating two-dimensional signals |
294 |

985 kb |
17 |
Vasilyuk N.N. Subpixel stacking and detection of blurred star images observed by an astroinertial attitude sensor against the background of the daytime sky |
303 |

4260 kb |
18 |
Vershkov N.A., Babenko M.G., Kuchukova N.N., Kuchukov V.A., Kucherov N.N. Transverse-layer partitioning of artificial neural networks for image classification |
312 |