Samara National Research University
Image Processing Systems Institute,
NRC "Kurchatov Institute"
Computer Optics
Volume 48 Number 5
September-October 2024 |
Contents |

1556 kb |
1 |
Kovalev A.A., Kotlyar V.V. Energy rule for enhancing the spin Hall effect in superposition of axisymmetric beams with cylindrical and linear polarization |
649 |

834 kb |
2 |
Stafeev S.S., Zaitsev V.D., Kotlyar V.V. Sharp focusing of a hybridly polarized optical vortex |
655 |

2726 kb |
3 |
Nalimov A.G., Kovalev A.A. Spin Hall effect of linearly polarized light passed through a metasurface |
662 |

1031 kb |
4 |
Kuznetsov A.V. Model of light bullet propagation in LiF crystal |
669 |

1229 kb |
5 |
Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Ivliev N.A., Porfirev D.P. Formation of laser beams with a structured polarization distribution for the fabrication of spiral microreliefs in thin films of chalcogenide glasses |
676 |

1407 kb |
6 |
Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.K., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R., Bagmanov V.K. Using a multimode fiber to improve data transfer rates |
681 |

2277 kb |
7 |
Vélez F.J., Arango J.D., Aristizábal V.H., Trujillo C.A., Herrera-Ramírez J. Comparative Performance Evaluation of Classical Methods and a Deep Learning Approach for Temperature Prediction in Fiber Optic Specklegram Sensors |
689 |

1776 kb |
8 |
Zadorozhnaya L.A., Tarasov A.P., Lavrikov A.S., Kanevsky V.M. Amplification of UV radiation and gain mechanisms in ZnO films with loose-packed structure |
696 |

3465 kb |
9 |
Gao S.P., Xia M., Zhang S.J. Automatic mosaic method of remote sensing images based on machine vision |
705 |

1263 kb |
10 |
Sergeyev V.V., Bavrina A.Y., Zaitsev I.D., Lazutov M.Y., Shapiro D.A. On estimating the local entropy of an image in a sliding window |
714 |

2538 kb |
11 |
Berezhnov N.I., Sirota A.A. Improving attention mechanisms in transformer architecture in image restoration
| 726 |

785 kb |
12 |
Quan H., Ma G., Weichen Y., Bohush R., Zuo F., Ablameyko S. People tracking accuracy improvement in video by matching relevant trackers and YOLO family detectors |
734 |

1967 kb |
13 |
Guo J. Convolutional Neural Network-Based Low Light Image Enhancement Method |
745 |

1641 kb |
14 |
Kolchev A.A., Pasynkov D.V., Egoshin I.A., Kliouchkin I.V., Pasynkova O.O. Deep-learning feature extraction with their subsequent selection and support vector machine classification of the breast ultrasound images |
753 |

2513 kb
15 |
Suetin M.N., Dementiev V.E., Tashlinskii A.G., Magdeev R.G. Methodology for detecting and assessing the dynamics of defects in engineering structures by processing images from an unmanned aerial vehicle |
762 |

2180 kb |
16 |
Yachnaya V.O., Mikhalkova M.A., Malashin R.O., Lutsiv V.R., Kraeva L.A., Khamdulayeva G.N., Nazarov V.E., Chelibanov V.P. Improving generalization in classification novel bacterial strains: a multi-headed resnet approach for microscopic image classification |
772 |

1073 kb |
17 |
Choban A.G., Stadnikov D.G., Sulavko A.E. ANeural network in an artificial intelligence model for realization of affective computing based on electroencephalogram analysis |
782 |